Last Updated on 29 June 2022 by

Stellar Price

Read everything about the Stellar Price.

Follow the Stellar price in euro

Stellar PriceThe current value of Stellar (XLM), or Stellar Lumens, and the price graph of the last 24 hours can be viewed in the above widget.

Furthermore, you can see that it is possible to check the Stellar price over the last seven and the last 30 days. You’ll also be able to view the performance of this crypto coin from the beginning of this year (which we call a YTD).

Finally, by clicking on ALL you can find what happened since the very first time Stellar was listed in 2016.

You can even buy Stellar using using this widget. Just enter the amount you want to spend on this crypto and Bitvavo’s trading costs will be calculated immediately.

Since Bitvavo is the cheapest provider in Europe, we (CryptoTips) recommend their platform to save some money while trading. At Bitvavo, you never pay more than a fee of 0.25% for each transaction.

An extra is that all new users who register an account using this link can trade the first €1.000 commission-free.

XLM price in euros and dollars

In the overview below you can see more information about the Stellar price. To see a difference in percentage, you’ll need to see the performance of this cryptocurrency over the past week and month. Besides that, you’ll also see the current market capitalization next to the highest and lowest price of the past 24 hours.

If you want to switch between a chart in euro or dollar, just click EUR or USD.

Note: if this price differs by a few cents with the XLM price which you’ll find at the top of the page, this is because the data is provided by two different suppliers.

The history of Stellars’s price

If we only talk about the price of Stellar XLM, we have to go back to the launch in 2014. Jed McCaleb, who is also the founder of the Mt. Gox exchange that at one time traded 75% of the world’s Bitcoin, released Stellar in 2014 at a price of about $0.001.

The world of crypto didn’t pay much attention to it, until 2017 (the legendary Bitcoin bull run). The currency reached an all-time high of $0.93 on January 4, 2018, just before all crypto markets crashed really hard. It was so bad that Stellar was the worst-performing currency in 2019.

2018 and 2019 were one big consolidation year and 2020, as for other cryptos, seems to have started very well. Stellar reached a price of $0.04 at the beginning of this year and rose to $0.066 at the time of writing.

If you bought Stellar in 2014, your investment would have increased by about 1.800%. Wow!

Stellar historical prices

XLM’s prices for the past week are shown in the table below.

How is the Stellar price established?

Before we go into this, we do ask you to note that the Stellar value you see, is an average of what all crypto exchanges are currently offering. So, don’t be surprised if you go to an exchange to buy Stellar and the price is slightly different. This depends on which exchange you’re visiting.

The price of Stellar, like the price for every asset which is offered on a market, is formed by the balance between buyers and sellers. In other words, the price you see is the price that sellers want to offer and for which buyers are willing to sell.

So, if there are a lot of buyers and only a small number of sellers at any given time, then the price usually goes up quickly. However, if there are few buyers and a lot of sellers, then it goes in the opposite direction.

The way crypto is in the news is also important. If the market is more mainstream it will be easier to find investors for crypto. If the global markets are doing badly, it usually becomes more difficult.

Beware, this is no guarantee for the future. The Stellar (XLM) price can be influenced by many factors. For example of news items concerning the platform, crypto events, hacks of some exchange or whales buying or selling a whole lot.

Stellar price prediction

First, the general trend of the media about crypto is important. With every news item about crypto that is spread globally (for example, if Bitcoin breaks an important boundary or crypto is promoted by a tech celebrity), the prices of lesser-known coins tend to go up as well.

It also depends on various factors such as the overall news trend for crypto, important technological developments for the Stellar platform or specific interest in the XLM coin. Have you seen Stellar in the news recently? Is it being discussed on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, and above all: is it positive or rather negative?

When SWIFT uses Stellar the price will rise. When Monero beats Stellar based on market capitalization, it can hurt the price.

What do you need to take into account with the Stellar price?

Above all, you need to understand that crypto is still a very small market compared to traditional financial markets. This means that you are trading in financial instruments that are prone to high price volatility. So Stellar can easily differ a few percent at the beginning and the end of the day, in some cases even more than 10 percent.

If you don’t have a problem with that and you’re out for an adventure, then investing in crypto might be the thing for you.

If you prefer classic shares or coins that don’t move more than half a percent to one percent a day, so-called defensive financial products, crypto will most likely turn out to be a bit too risky for you.

In any case, research your project well and don’t just invest in a coin. Read a few articles about it, do some research before you invest.

And most important of all: never put more money in it than you are willing to lose.

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