China Needs HongKong Digital Yuan Success

Last Updated on 23 March 2021 by

Jeroen Kok

Jeroen is one of the lead copywriters on and discusses all recent events in the crypto market. This includes news updates, but also price analyzes and more. He developed his passion for cryptocurrency during the bull run in 2017. He has learned a lot since then. The combination of cryptocurrency and creative writing is perfect for Jeroen and an excellent way to share his knowledge with a wide audience. Find me on LinkedIn / [email protected]

As HongKong is still the crossroads of international trade in Asia, the Chinese government needs the roll out of its Digital Yuan to be a success there of all places. Gioven that HongKong is not exactly the most subservient city under Chinese rule (understatement of the year) finding loyal local fans for the digital coins is proving hard.

However, China is determined to make it work. Because of this, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has now admitted that talks with the People’s Bank of China’s Digital Currency Institute have commenced. HongKong itself is still a big fan of Bitcoin and not too eager to accept anything from mainland China, but in this matter it probably has no choice.

The CEO of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Mr Eddie Yue, said:

As the renminbi is already in use in Hong Kong and the status of e-CNY is the same as cash in circulation, it will bring even greater convenience to Hong Kong and Mainland tourists.

While there is not yet a timetable for the launch of e-CNY, it will certainly offer an additional payment option to those in Hong Kong and the Mainland who need to make cross-border consumption.

Furthermore, the Chinese authorities are apparently also testing cross border payments for the Digital Yuan with Thailand already. Mr Yue admitted:

The research project has entered its second stage, including exploring specific business applications as well as the operability and scalability of the platform to allow the participation of three or more CBDCs

Push against dollar dominance

There is much speculation as to why China is so eager to push for the quick roll out of the Digital Yuan, but a recent article published in China Finance, a magazine run by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), might have the answer. In fact, it is now admitted that China is eager to stop the dollar’s dominance as the favored coin in the Asian region for trade and therefore wants the Digital Yuan to be a success.

The article stated:

China has many advantages and opportunities in issuing fiat digital currencies, so it should accelerate the pace to seize the first track.

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