Bitcoin up 1,000% in Argentina, Microstrategy has fabulous 2023 and AI-coin Render keeps rising

Last Updated on 28 December 2023 by

Argentina’s new president, populist Javier Milei, is moving ahead with his controversial plans to reform the country’s economy. Because of this, Bitcoin is getting ever closer to gaining official acceptance as a means of payment in Buenos Aires. Its price has already risen 1,000% in the large South American country in 2023.

Michael Saylor is certainly one of the biggest financial winners. His company Microstrategy saw their stock rise by as much as 300%. That is more than Nvidia or Meta for example.

In the broader crypto market we currently see several altcoins that have started a rally in the past few months. One of the big winners is definitely the AI-coin Render.


Diana Mondino, Argentina’s newest Foreign Minister, made it clear last week that Javier Milei’s government has serious plans for Bitcoin. In a tweet, she confirmed that the largest digital currency could now be used to conclude contracts in the country.

In the past year alone, the price of Bitcoin rose by around 1,000% in the country. More and more Argentinians are buying Bitcoin to protect themselves against the rising hyperinflation.


In 2020, Microstrategy, Michael Saylor’s investment and technology company, began purchasing Bitcoin. Not like you and me would do, but buying hundreds and even thousands of Bitcoins at the same time. Microstrategy purchased about 500 million dollar worth of Bitcoin that first year. Ever since then, Saylor has continued to buy, and today Microstrategy owns about 170,000 Bitcoins.

Because of the rising prices of digital currencies, Microstrategy saw its share value rise by 330% in 2023. That is better than Nvidia and Meta, those other major technology shares that also had a stellar year.


‘3D visuals’ are the graphics you can see in video games or virtual worlds. They were in the news very often this year because of image generator Dall-E, the AI-program that allows you to enter a line of text and then see it converted into an image by a computer.

A crypto token linked to this new technology is Render token.

Render provides spare computer power to allow everyone to create such 3D visuals. Thanks to the interest in AI and 3D images, Render increased explosively this year.

Jeroen Kok

Jeroen is one of the lead copywriters on and discusses all recent events in the crypto market. This includes news updates, but also price analyzes and more. He developed his passion for cryptocurrency during the bull run in 2017. He has learned a lot since then. The combination of cryptocurrency and creative writing is perfect for Jeroen and an excellent way to share his knowledge with a wide audience. Find me on LinkedIn / [email protected]