Bitcoin back above $30k and was Steve Jobs actually Satoshi?

Last Updated on 6 November 2023 by

Bitcoin broke above $30k during the night and so Edward Moya, the analyst we featured on Saturday, was right all along. He predicted that Bitcoin would break above $30k given that the Friday jobs report from the US would prove positive for stock markets. Meanwhile a wild theory states that Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, was actually Satoshi while others claim that the CIA had something to do with it.

The American secret service CIA is one of the most talked about organizations in the world. According to legend they were involved in various coups, attacks and even economic wars. And so there are a lot of conspiracy theories in which the CIA plays a major role. According to a story that is once again gaining popularity on the internet, the CIA is the creator of Bitcoin. Another claims that Steve Jobs was actually Satoshi Nakamoto.

The theory (gaining popularity again after the Bitcoin whitepaper was found in Apple’s software) goes like this: since the 1960s, the US spy services have been afraid that the federal government would at some point decide to shut down the CIA (threatened by President Kennedy at the time), and so the organizations always had to keep a large pile of cash on hand. Until the turn of the century it did this through foreign exchanges, but ever since the banking crisis of 2008, the CIA would decided it needed a new kind of money.

Gavin Andresen

Satoshi Nakamoto’s 1.1 million Bitcoins play a major role in this story. You should know that whoever has these 1.1 million Bitcoins, the first ones ever minder – that person would immediately be in the top 20 richest people in the world right now. However, nobody knows who owns those digital coins and we haven’t heard from Satoshi for a long time.

Craig Wright, the Australian businessman, has been trying for a while to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto in order to gain access to the funds but failed to convince a judge.

Enter Gavin Andresen. This software developer heard about Bitcoin in 2010 and bought 10,000 of them for about $50. He then participated in the further development of the coin and spoke via email with the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. In June 2011, Andresen entered a CIA office and online gossip claims he revealed to them who Satoshi was.

The CIA would have then decided to keep the 1.1 million Bitcoin in its own possession as a kind of reserve fund and from that moment the world heard nothing from Satoshi ever again. In 2021, the theory was revived when CIA Director William Burns admitted that his services were indeed running several crypto projects. This year, the theory was revived after the Bitcoin whitepaper was found in Apple’s software code.

Lastly, for those who think this is the weirdest theory about Bitcoin’s origin, just know that US TV personality Alex Jones has been claiming for years that aliens created the world’s largest digital currency.

Jeroen Kok

Jeroen is one of the lead copywriters on and discusses all recent events in the crypto market. This includes news updates, but also price analyzes and more. He developed his passion for cryptocurrency during the bull run in 2017. He has learned a lot since then. The combination of cryptocurrency and creative writing is perfect for Jeroen and an excellent way to share his knowledge with a wide audience. Find me on LinkedIn / [email protected]